About this Blog

Hello! I am so happy you found my website, and subsequently this blog page. I have never really written a blog before, but I thought maybe I should start with an introduction about what this blog will be like. I am planning to use this area as a place to infodump about topics related to autism, speech/language, my experiences, neurodiversity-affirming practices, and conversely, ableist-practices. Educating people about these topics is one of my main goals.

As such, you will see that I also plan to have resources for sale, including hand-outs about neurodiversity. To me, neurodiversity acceptance is a human rights issue, and one should not have to pay to get information about it. I will be using this blog area to share the same types of information (as well as my Educational Pages that you can find under the Resources tab). The only difference is that the information in the hand-outs will be arranged in a fancy printable format.

I have a lot going on in my life currently (such as starting this business, quitting my school job, beginning my new job, plus the holiday season), but I hope to begin posting here regularly once my schedule and number of spoons allows. Thanks for reading and I hope you will check back later to read my next post!


The Problems with Verbal Behavior